Is astigmatism treatable or how to correct astigmatism in adults?

Every patient who has been diagnosed with astigmatism wonders about its possible treatment. Modern laser technologies make it possible to stop wearing lenses and glasses, completely restoring vision. Treatment of astigmatism with laser

is the most effective method of eliminating the disease, even with a high degree of development of the pathological process, or when combined with farsightedness or myopia.

Why does the disease develop?

Normally, light hitting the eye is refracted by a transparent spherical shell - the cornea. The refracted rays are collected at one focus on the retina. With astigmatism, different parts of the cornea refract sunlight differently. The rays are focused at different points in front of, on, or behind the retina. A single focus does not form; visible objects acquire blurry outlines.

Most often, the development of astigmatism in a particular person is genetic. If a child has both parents with this condition, the likelihood of developing astigmatism and requiring treatment in the future is very high.

In addition to hereditary predisposition to pathology, they lead to:

  • trauma, foreign bodies of the cornea;
  • complex operations on the eyeball and postoperative complications;
  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and their improper treatment;
  • glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure leading to changes in the shape of the cornea);
  • some congenital pathologies of the cornea (keratoconus, keratoglobus).

Is astigmatism treatable or not? This is a serious disease that can be treated, but it must be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough medical examination and an accurate diagnosis. The most effective method of treating the disease, especially of a high degree, is surgery.


Unlike myopia, keeping astigmatism under control is quite simple; this requires adjusting glasses or contact lenses as the child’s eyes grow. Hidden astigmatism has an adverse effect on vision and contributes to the appearance of amblyopia or strabismus.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis of astigmatism based on examination data. If this pathology is detected, it will be necessary to constantly use glasses with “complex” cylindrical glasses or special toric contact lenses for astigmatists. With a high degree of astigmatism, the use of glasses usually causes difficulties; dizziness, eye pain, and headache may occur. At the same time, if chosen incorrectly, glasses themselves can become a source of visual fatigue and visual impairment.

Toric contact lenses can be used as an alternative to glasses. They allow you to correct corneal astigmatism of a high degree (up to 6 diopters), while contact lenses do not have such specific disadvantages of cylindrical glasses as optical aberrations (distortions). On the other hand, long-term wearing of toric contact lenses can cause chronic oxygen starvation of the corneal tissue, as well as a reversible change in its shape.

Do not forget that wearing glasses or contact lenses can only temporarily improve vision, but does not eliminate astigmatism. Astigmatism can only be corrected surgically, using laser vision correction. The restriction for performing the operation is age under 18 years; laser vision correction is recommended only after the formation of the visual system has been completed. Other indications and contraindications for laser correction of astigmatism are determined individually after a thorough examination.

Excimer laser correction (LASIK) is the most common method for correcting astigmatism today; it is used to correct moderate astigmatism (up to 3 diopters). The essence of the operation is to restore the correct spherical shape of the cornea. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, the rehabilitation period after laser vision correction is minimal.

According to indications, keratoplasty (replacement of a section of the cornea with a donor or artificial graft) can be used to correct astigmatism resulting from keratocous.


The supply of necessary vitamins and microelements to the patient’s body is of great importance for the treatment of astigmatism. Vitamins A and C are important for the organ of vision. Vitamin A is part of the visual pigments that are involved in the visual act. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant. It has a tonic effect on the wall of retinal vessels, accelerates blood flow in the capillaries of the eye, and stimulates recovery processes.

Products useful in treating astigmatism include:

  • blueberry;
  • greens (in particular parsley);
  • nuts (walnuts, almonds);
  • citrus;
  • bell pepper

These products are best consumed fresh without heat treatment.
During the cold season, frozen preparations should be consumed. In addition, with astigmatism, adherence to the principles of proper nutrition is of great importance. A large amount of cholesterol and animal fats in food contributes to the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels of the eye and worsening blood flow. Excessive consumption of sugar leads to the development of angiopathy, which, if not properly treated, leads to the destruction of the vascular wall. Excess salt in food leads to increased pressure inside the capillaries of the eye, thrombosis and embolism. To improve blood flow inside the eye, drinking a large amount of water is of great importance - at least 2 liters per day for an adult (in the absence of pathology from the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys).

Laser treatment of astigmatism in adults

The most common operation to eliminate astigmatism is photorefractive keratectomy , which is performed using an excimer laser.

Laser treatment of astigmatism is carried out in several stages:

  1. Anesthetic drops are instilled into the patient's eyes , since during such operations even local anesthesia is not possible (the person must remain conscious at all times and not be subjected to the relaxing effects of traditional painkillers).
  2. A special dilator is installed on the eyelid of the operated eye , which does not allow the eyelids to close and prevents blinking.
  3. The patient must focus his gaze on the luminous point, which allows the doctor to determine the center of the eye.
  4. Using a laser, part of the epithelium is removed and a new cornea is formed.
  5. To prevent inflammation, the operated eye is treated with a special solution.

Laser treatment lasts only a few minutes, after which the patient can leave the hospital and undergo rehabilitation at home.

The price for laser treatment of astigmatism in Russia varies depending on the region and the level of the clinic and can reach up to 35,000 rubles per eye.

However, the objective cost of such a procedure is 10,000 rubles for correcting astigmatism in one eye (this is the average market cost, which is what most clinics adhere to).

Traditional recipes for improving vision with astigmatism

photo of blueberries

Blueberry leaves are rich in vitamins A, C and E. To prepare a decoction to treat the disease, you need to take one tablespoon of crushed leaves per glass of boiling water. Cook for 3 minutes over low heat, then leave for an hour. Take one glass with each meal.

The medicinal herb eyebright has been used to improve vision since the 14th century. To prepare the infusion you will need 50 g of dry herb. Eyebright is poured with boiling water and infused for 4 hours. The infusion is taken one glass 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 3 weeks.

How to treat complex astigmatism at home

  • Revision of the daily menu. Preference should be given to natural products that are rich in vitamins, microelements, and fiber. These include fresh meat, cereals, milk, cottage cheese, boiled lean meat, and steamed fish. It is important to exclude unhealthy foods such as smoked foods, sweets, salty, flour, fried, fatty foods.
  • Performing exercises to improve vision and relieve stress. How to treat astigmatism at home conservatively is selected by the doctor individually.
  • Ensuring normal sleep and wakefulness. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Ensuring sufficient physical activity at home. With this diagnosis, morning exercises, walking, and jogging are indicated. All this improves vision, blood circulation, and helps oxygenate the cells of various organs and systems.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Exercises to treat the disease are aimed at strengthening the muscular system of the eyeball and improving blood circulation in the capillaries. To prevent the progression of astigmatism, the following exercises are performed:

  1. Rotate the eyeball first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  2. Focus your gaze on an object located at arm's length, then move your gaze to an object located at a distance of 5 meters from the eye.
  3. Close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes.
  4. Give a light massage to your closed eyes.
  5. Tilt your head to the right, left, massage the collar area.

Exercises must be performed daily, at least twice a day for 10 minutes.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

To date, modern medicine has not been able to fully explain the cause of astigmatism. In some cases, the disease developed due to injury or surgery. Scientists also claim that the disease is hereditary and congenital in nature, so it can be diagnosed as early as two years of age. It is recommended to regularly check the child for the presence of this disease if the parents suffered from astigmatism. It can develop even without visible manifestations. Treatment must be started on time, otherwise the disease can lead to the development of a number of associated abnormalities.

The symptoms of the disease are in many ways similar to other eye diseases. At the first stage, it practically does not manifest itself at all. The person notices only a slight decrease in visual focusing. Most often this is attributed to fatigue. It is important to start treatment on time, since astigmatism can lead to complete loss of vision.

A person may notice a distortion in the shape and contour of an object. In this case, blurriness is also accompanied by pain in the eyes. In some cases, patients even complain of severe burning.

The reason for decreased vision lies in the increased strain on the eyes. This could be reading or working at the computer for a long time. After this, the silhouette begins to bifurcate and the distance to the object is distorted. Astigmatism not only affects eye fatigue, but also manifests itself in the form of severe headaches.

Drops for cornea nutrition

The cornea itself does not have blood vessels, but the drops act on the muscular apparatus of the eye and the vessels of the conjunctiva, thereby preventing a decrease in vision.

To treat astigmatism in adults, drops containing vitamins are used - Quinax, Katachrom. Vitamins and vitamin-like substances stimulate muscle function, improve regeneration, and slow down the aging process of eyeball tissue.

Drops containing cysteine ​​derivatives (Taurine, Taufon) are used to prevent the development of pathology after traumatic injury to the cornea, keratitis. They stimulate metabolic and energy processes in the cells of the cornea and accelerate healing.

Medicines containing phenylephrine (Irifrin) are used to relax muscles and relieve spasm of accommodation.

some drugs to nourish the cornea

Where and how is it treated?

If you think about where myopic astigmatism is treated in Russia, there are a large number of options, ranging from municipal clinics to private medical institutions specializing only in the treatment of the visual organs. It is recommended to consult with different clinics in order to make a correct diagnosis and develop an effective plan to combat the disease.


It is a surgical intervention consisting of a non-through incision of the cornea with a thin scalpel, followed by scarring at the micron level. Keratomy also allows you to do without wearing glasses.

Lens implantation

When the problem is how to treat astigmatism in a teenager or adult, if the laser correction method is not suitable, preference should be given to lens implantation. The treatment is applicable for astigmatism up to 9 diopters. The procedure is contraindicated in cases of dystrophy and clouding of the cornea, cataracts, and increased intraocular pressure.

Our recommendations

When choosing a treatment method, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of the patient, including his age and characteristics of the body. If this is a child who has not reached the age of majority, then you should not have surgery! It is better to limit yourself to gymnastics and vision correction with glasses or lenses.

For an adult who wants to completely get rid of this disease, there is no other alternative than laser correction. Only this method provides the greatest guarantee of treatment effectiveness.

For prevention, it is necessary to do special exercises for the eyes, and also try to protect them from too much strain.

Spectacle and contact vision correction for astigmatism

For vision correction, special cylindrical spectacle lenses are used. These glasses have a special structure. In different areas of the lens, rays are refracted differently. As a result, cylindrical glass helps focus all light rays at one point. In case of complex astigmatism (myopic or hypermetropic), spherical glasses are installed in addition to cylindrical glasses, transferring a single focus to the retina. Externally, glasses for patients with astigmatism do not differ from the usual glasses used for myopia and farsightedness, but they are heavier. Patients need to purchase glasses for astigmatism only in specialized optical shops.

To correct astigmatism, soft contact lenses with a shifted center of gravity – toric – can be used. Such lenses are placed on the eyes in a certain position and refract the rays, collecting them at one point.

Modern lenses are made of breathable material – silicone hydrogel. Being located on the cornea, they do not injure it and do not cause progression of pathology. Complications in the form of keratitis are possible if the rules of care and terms of wearing are not followed.

Can astigmatism be treated without surgery?

Many patients are interested in whether astigmatism can be cured with eye exercises, drops, diet, and folk remedies.

Unfortunately no. None of these methods can eliminate corneal defects that cause visual impairment.

Its correct shape can only be restored with the help of a laser.

A visual story by Professor Kozhukhov AA with 3D animation about laser operations to restore vision: PRK, Lasik, femto-lask, smile. How is laser vision restoration surgery performed and what does the patient experience? What is the postoperative period?

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