Exercises to reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma

Glaucoma is a very dangerous disease because it is asymptomatic, and in the last stages it begins to manifest itself. Without timely and proper treatment, the disease can lead to complete blindness. Along with therapy, you can use gymnastics and eye massage; they improve the general condition and relieve fatigue of the eyeballs. Thanks to exercises, intraocular pressure decreases and damage to the optic nerve is minimized.

In this article we will look at exercises, types of massage and methods of relaxing the eyes for glaucoma. Before choosing this method of therapy for yourself, you need to consult an ophthalmologist so that he can prescribe the correct course of treatment for you.

Glaucoma - what is it?

Glaucoma - what is it?
Source: MagicWorld.su Diseases of the eye system are fraught with negative consequences in the form of a decrease in visual acuity or its complete loss - optic nerve atrophy. Eye gymnastics for glaucoma is an important point in the process of treating the disease. It improves mood, overall health, and relieves eye fatigue. Exercise and massage improve blood flow in the eyeball, which helps improve fluid outflow.

This, in turn, leads to a decrease in intraocular pressure and minimizes damage to the optic nerve, which is responsible for the quality of vision.

Eye diseases are a serious problem of our time. Stress, heavy load on the visual organs, poor diet, environmental pollution, genetic predisposition - all this negatively affects eye health.

Glaucoma is a consequence of congestion in the eyeball area. If fluid drainage is poor, excess pressure occurs, which has a detrimental effect on the optic nerve.

Glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by a constant or periodic increase in intraocular pressure.

In a healthy eye, a certain pressure is constantly maintained (18–22 mm Hg) due to the balance of fluid inflow and outflow. With glaucoma, fluid circulation is impaired. It accumulates, and intraocular pressure begins to rise.

The optic nerve and other structures of the eye experience increased stress, and the blood supply to the eye is disrupted. As a result, the optic nerve atrophies and visual signals stop reaching the brain.

Glaucoma is a disease characteristic of older people, but the reason is not that the eyeball undergoes some changes with age. The disease itself is asymptomatic for years, so the patient does not take any treatment measures.

As a result, in most cases the disease develops so much that it can only be eliminated through surgery. Glaucoma is a consequence of increased intraocular pressure, and in rare cases can occur in young people under forty years of age and even in children.

Gymnastics, which helps prevent the risk of developing the disease, is most effective at a young age, but it will not hurt older patients.

Contraindicated poses in yoga

All poses that force you to turn upside down are contraindicated. These include such common asanas as:

  1. Downward facing dog. During this exercise, a person must rest his feet and palms, forming a “slide” with his body, while his head is lowered down, which leads to increased blood flow to the eyes. Exercise can trigger an attack of acute glaucoma.
  2. Child's pose. One of the simplest warm-up asanas, but in the case of this disease it is taboo. A person sits in a fetal position on his knees, while his face also looks at the floor, so that the blood flow to the eyeballs also increases.
  3. Tilt towards the feet. The yogi stands on the floor, leans forward, and his hands are clasped at the top behind his back.
  4. Plow pose. In this case, the person lies on his shoulder blades, his legs are pulled up into the birch tree, and then thrown over his head. This allows for increased venous return from the lower extremities and increased flow to the head.
  5. Inverted pose. In essence, this is the well-known birch tree, in which a person lies on his shoulder blades, his legs are extended upward, and his arms are at his sides for balance.
  6. Headstand. In this case, a person rests on three points: the head and arms (palms or forearms).

Blood, like any substance, is also subject to physical laws, including the laws of attraction. So any inverted asanas lead to increased blood circulation in the head and eyeballs. This, accordingly, can lead to increased pressure in the chambers of the eye.

Forms of the disease

Source: Linza.Guru Open-angle glaucoma accounts for more than 90% of cases of this disease.
With open-angle glaucoma, access to the natural drainage system of the eye is open, but its functions are impaired. Result

Gradual increase in intraocular pressure. As a rule, open-angle glaucoma is characterized by an asymptomatic, almost imperceptible course of the disease.

Since the field of vision narrows gradually, a person sometimes quite by accident discovers that he has vision in only one eye. In some cases, there are complaints about the periodic appearance of rainbow circles when looking at a light source, blurred vision.

In angle-closure glaucoma, intraocular fluid accumulates due to the fact that there is no access to the natural drainage system of the eye: the iris blocks the angle of the anterior chamber. As a result, the pressure increases, which can lead to an acute attack of glaucoma.

Stages of development

Depending on the characteristics of the condition of the optic nerve head, as well as the degree of narrowing of the visual field, four stages of glaucoma development are distinguished:

  • First

initial stage - characterized by the appearance of a blind spot that interferes with vision with normal peripheral vision, there is a deepening of the optic nerve head in the central zone.

  • Second

Developed stage - characterized by a persistent narrowing of the field of vision on the inner (nasal) side; upon examination, a deepening of the optic nerve head is noted at the edges.

  • Third

An advanced stage is characterized by a narrowing of the visual field from different sides or the preservation of only some of its parts; a pronounced marginal depression of the optic nerve head is observed.

  • Fourth

Terminal stage - characterized by either loss of objective vision with preservation of light perception, or complete loss of vision, blindness.

Basic tenets of yoga

Yoga is an art that originated in ancient India. Art was used not only for the health of the body, but primarily for the health of the soul.

The technique allows you to balance neuro-endocrine processes through meditative techniques of freezing in one position. Each pose has its own purpose.

Most often, of course, exercises are used to train the body. Many poses cause static tension in a specific muscle group. They allow you to stretch ligaments and muscle fibers, improve microcirculatory processes in blood and lymphoid vessels.

Thanks to this kind of properties, many diseases can be corrected, both increasing the speed of metabolic processes and slowing them down. Consequently, some exercises are indicated for glaucoma, and some can even lead to an acute attack of the disease.

At what age can the disease develop?

Glaucoma can occur at any age, but most often develops in older people.

Depending on when glaucoma develops, there are:

  • congenital glaucoma - manifests itself in the first weeks and months of life, and sometimes several years after birth. It is extremely rare and requires surgical treatment and observation;
  • juvenile glaucoma (juvenile, or glaucoma of young age) - diagnosed in children over three years of age;
  • primary glaucoma - usually develops after 40 years;
  • secondary glaucoma - occurs as a consequence of other eye (inflammatory, vascular, dystrophic, associated with lens pathology, trauma) or general diseases.

Who is at risk?

At-risk groups:

  1. relatives (including distant ones) of patients with glaucoma;
  2. people over 40 years of age whose intraocular pressure is in the upper limit of normal;
  3. people with a high degree of myopia after 40–50 years, with a high degree of farsightedness (especially women after 50 years);
  4. people who have suffered eye injuries, inflammatory diseases (uveitis, iridocyclitis) of the eyes;
  5. people over 60-70 years of age who do not even have eye complaints;
  6. people with diabetes, endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular diseases;
  7. undergoing a long course of treatment with hormonal drugs;
  8. people with increased intraocular pressure, regardless of age;
  9. people with low (relative to age norm) blood pressure.

Recommendations from Dr. Ritch for people diagnosed with glaucoma

Dr. Robert Ritch is a professor of ophthalmology at New York Medical College and a practicing surgeon. He thinks it might be a good idea for people who have been diagnosed with glaucoma to eliminate the four poses described in the study from their exercise routine. If they are performed, yoga will not be beneficial to health, but rather will be harmful.


In addition, since glaucoma remains undiagnosed in many people, the professor recommends that all people practicing various asanas be especially careful and not overload the body during exercise.



Source: o-glazah.ru The main cause of glaucoma is increased intraocular pressure. In turn, intraocular pressure can increase due to two main factors:

  1. intraocular fluid is formed in excessive quantities;
  2. the removal of intraocular fluid through the drainage system of the eye is disrupted due to its changes.

Herbal infusions

Another popular folk remedy for the treatment of glaucoma is herbal remedies. Traditional medicine recommends taking the following infusions orally:

  • A tablespoon of finely chopped duckweed is added to a glass of vodka. Leave the infusion for 4 days. Then take 20 drops orally, diluted in 3 tablespoons of water, three times a day. Duckweed can also be consumed with one teaspoon of honey twice a day.
  • Oregano (35 g), mistletoe and cocklebur (30 g) are mixed and poured into a thermos. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the herbs and leave for 3 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered and consumed a third of a glass twice a day after meals.
  • Two parts of blood-red hawthorn and one part each of periwinkle, horsetail, yarrow and mistletoe are mixed into an herbal mixture. One tablespoon of the collection is diluted with a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then you need to let the broth brew for half an hour. Strain the resulting infusion and drink half a glass orally up to three times a day. This herbal mixture relieves eye strain and helps get rid of glaucoma.

As part of complex therapy, doctors also recommend the use of infusions of plants that have a vasodilating effect. In particular, the fruits of amia dentifrice, roots and inflorescences of arnica, wild rosemary shoots, calamus roots, birch buds and viburnum juice. Some patients are prescribed anticoagulant plants - they reduce blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots. Such plants include calendula, meadow clover, gooseberry, willow, strawberry, sweet clover, and chestnut flowers.


Source: glaza.guru The insidiousness of glaucoma is that in the initial stages it can be completely asymptomatic, while visual functions are lost.
The onset of the disease can rarely be established; the process slowly and imperceptibly progresses to a certain state. The first alarm bells are visual discomfort: blurred vision immediately after sleep, when the eyes open, and the appearance of rainbow circles around light sources when looking at them. At the initial stage of glaucoma, these phenomena disappear a few minutes after sleep.

The reason is swelling of the cornea due to stagnation of blood during sleep. It, in turn, is caused by an increase in intraocular pressure at night. If such sensations continue to recur, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist and undergo a complete diagnosis of the visual system.

The main danger of glaucoma is that without timely detection of the disease and timely treatment, vision is irretrievably lost.

It is impossible to restore visual characteristics lost due to glaucoma; you can only stop the progression of the disease.

When intraocular pressure increases, which is a consequence of the difference in the amount of fluid inside the eyeball and outside, the optic nerve is affected.

The main symptoms of glaucoma may not cause suspicion at first, but you should immediately undergo examination by an ophthalmologist if the following signs occur:

  • noticeable narrowing of the field of vision;
  • increased intraocular pressure, which manifests itself in the form of discomfort and pain;
  • change in the characteristics of the optic nerve (established only through diagnostics)
  • the appearance of “fog” before the eyes;
  • slight pain and pain in the eyes;
  • a sharp decrease in the ability to see at dusk;
  • feeling of tension in the eyes.

Life after surgery

If the doctor has recommended surgical treatment, the patient should know what rules he should follow after eye surgery.

The postoperative recovery period will be successful if you remember the following important contraindications:

for 7 days after surgery, do not allow liquid to get into your eyes; do not strain your eyes (do not read, do not watch TV, etc.); do not expose the organs of vision to bright light; beware of colds, etc.

physical activity for eye glaucoma

After surgery, follow your doctor's recommendations

If you do not follow these recommendations, the consequences after surgery to eliminate glaucoma can be very unpleasant. This:

spread of infection; development of the inflammatory process; decreased visual acuity; increased sensitivity to light, etc.

Carefully following your doctor's recommendations after surgery will contribute to a quick recovery.

You can maintain normal health if you regularly see an ophthalmologist and follow all his prescriptions. In no case should you independently, without the doctor’s permission, change the dosage of medications, or arbitrarily discontinue or prescribe medications. With glaucoma, you need a calm rhythm of life that does not allow worries and nervous overload, a thoughtful daily routine, moderate physical activity, and a balanced diet.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Andrei Malakhov, about how he defeated glaucoma...

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Nov 30, 2016Doc

The first thing a person must do when suffering from a pathology of the visual system such as glaucoma is to find out what contraindications exist for glaucoma. Based on them, start changing your lifestyle. Be sure to follow all the recommendations of your doctor, who will tell you what not to do if you have glaucoma, and strictly follow them.

physical activity for eye glaucoma

In order for life, even with eye glaucoma, to be pleasant, you must adhere to several rules. Compliance with them will not only help stop the progression of the pathology, but can even start a regressive process, that is, the process of recovery. These rules are based on the fact that glaucoma is provoked by an increase in intraocular pressure, and therefore, if this effect is not allowed, then the disease will not create discomfort during the treatment process.

General diagnostics

Source: pharm-business.ru Timely diagnosis of glaucoma is the first step to preserving vision.
An ophthalmologist can identify glaucoma after a complete diagnostic examination of the entire visual system. To determine the onset of the disease, simply measuring intraocular pressure is not enough. During complex diagnostics using modern equipment, the fundus and optic nerve head are studied in detail, and the field of vision is also examined.

Only during such diagnostics can it be possible to identify those initial manifestations that occur before the earliest changes in the visual field, and to stop the process that has begun in time.

Sometimes intraocular pressure is elevated, but there are no other signs of glaucoma. This occurs in various endocrine disorders and requires a comprehensive examination of the patient.

What were the results?


Intraocular pressure in subjects from both groups increased as soon as they took yoga poses, but during the process of holding them the indicators remained stable and no longer changed upward.


10 minutes after returning to the starting position, the intraocular pressure in people from both groups was still elevated, but in comparison with the initial values ​​typical for each of the experiment participants, the deviation was insignificant. Interestingly, pressure levels increased most strongly during the downward-facing dog position.

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Recommended Diet

Source: dvaglaza.ru Proper treatment of glaucoma involves a healthy diet, which should be dominated by foods rich in vitamins A, C, E. These vitamins are present in sufficient quantities in the following foods:
Vitamin A is found in large quantities in potatoes, apples, bananas, all citrus fruits, cabbage, beets and raw carrots.

The main sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, as well as cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, asparagus, and red peppers. Poultry and sea fish meat, as well as any vegetable oils and fresh herbs contain vitamin E.

It is not necessary to create any special dietary programs based on these foods: it is enough to regularly include them in your diet, and then the likelihood of the occurrence and development of ophthalmic diseases is significantly reduced.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is unlikely that it will be possible to cure glaucoma using folk remedies. However, the use of traditional medicine methods is possible in combination with patented drugs or during the recovery period after surgery. In addition, folk remedies are very helpful in preventing glaucoma. Generations of experience can be successfully used to maintain eye health.


Shilajit is one of the traditional medicines that is often used to treat glaucoma. It is recommended to take it orally in one of the following ways:

  • First way. Take 0.3 to 0.5 grams of resin 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days. Then you need to take a break for 5 days, and then repeat the course again. In total, treatment should consist of two or three courses.
  • Second way. Dilute mumiyo in a glass of water and take 2 times a day before meals. The second dose of mumiyo should be carried out strictly before bedtime. The duration of the course of treatment is 20 days.


Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) often helps in getting rid of glaucoma. However, this method is not suitable for everyone, and should be practiced only after consultation with an experienced doctor. Hirudotherapy is used in the treatment of many ailments. This method has been successfully used for centuries.

To treat glaucoma, leeches are placed on the temporal region. Before starting the procedure, the skin must be treated with warm boiled water and lubricated with a solution of syrup or glucose. Up to five leeches are simultaneously attached near the sore eye. Having sucked, the leeches will begin to be saturated with the patient’s blood and increase in size. Do not touch them - they will fall off on their own into the glass prepared in advance. If the leech does not want to fall off, it must be treated with saline solution.

The role of eye gymnastics in treatment and prevention

The undoubted advantage of exercises in eye treatment is their availability and freeness. All recommended exercises can be done by anyone.


If exercises are performed regularly and correctly, you can avoid the development of processes that contribute to the occurrence of glaucoma. In other words, gymnastics is an ideal disease prevention.

It reduces pressure in the eyeball, prevents damage to the optic nerve, and increases visual acuity. When symptoms of glaucoma appear, gymnastics is not used as the only method of treatment.

It must be combined with medication and diet. Gymnastics for the eyes activates all processes that affect the state of vision, and medications and other means help accelerate and enhance the therapeutic effect that occurs from a set of exercises.

The effectiveness of gymnastic exercises

As an additional element in the treatment of glaucoma (which will be ineffective outside the treatment complex), gymnastics has often been used in recent years.

Such health measures help to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible, but it must be taken into account that sudden physical activity is strictly contraindicated for glaucoma, so the exercises must be performed not strictly according to the instructions, but also guided by your own feelings.

In general, certain physical exercises, massage and special gymnastics for the eyes will not harm a patient with glaucoma, but you need to know when to stop and adjust the complex agreed with specialists “for yourself.”


When doing eye exercises, you should under no circumstances overshadow drug treatment, and even more so, you should not neglect your diet, as well as other recommendations of your doctor.

And most importantly, it is important to be prepared for the fact that eye exercises for glaucoma in certain cases cannot replace surgical intervention.

Glaucoma is considered a serious ophthalmological pathology, because the disease can provoke severe visual discomfort. In no case should you neglect the treatment of glaucoma, because this pathology can lead to complete blindness. A characteristic feature of glaucoma is a gradual decrease in visual fields.

The visual system is designed in such a way that it must constantly be under stress. Without work, the optic nerve atrophies, which can result in permanent loss of vision. However, excessive load is also fraught with vision dysfunction.

Computers currently place the greatest strain on the eyes. When working in front of a monitor for a long time, a person begins to experience double vision, the eyes become red and inflamed. Gymnastics helps relieve symptoms of fatigue and prevent serious vision pathologies.

Glaucoma also places undue strain on the visual system. Often the disease is diagnosed at a late stage, when symptoms become severe. If it is not possible to reduce the load, experts recommend performing simple exercises that will increase the stability of the eye.

Therapeutic exercises for glaucoma and cataracts are simply necessary. It will help the patient with high blood pressure, and therefore protect the optic nerve from possible damage. Gymnastics does not require much time, but it has a beneficial effect on the healing process.

As monotherapy, it is ineffective, so it is prescribed along with medications and diet.

At the same time, you need to take into account your own well-being; you cannot be overzealous and overwork your eyesight, so a set of exercises should be selected individually together with the doctor.

By performing a set of exercises, a person protects himself from further deterioration and loss of vision. Gymnastics will bring the greatest benefit to a person if he starts doing it from a young age, but it will not harm older people either.

Rules of eye gymnastics

The main goal of treating glaucoma with gymnastic exercises is to improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, the outflow of fluid increases and muscle tissue is strengthened. Eye exercises should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • before the main complex of the exercise, you need to close your eyes tightly or blink actively;
  • pay attention to absolutely all the muscles of the eye;
  • effective exercises for glaucoma - gaze aversion, rotation, blinking.

Note! Before and after performing eye exercises, massage procedures are required.

General eye exercises for glaucoma

In most cases, eye exercises for glaucoma do not completely eliminate the disease, but only relieve symptoms and make you feel better. Also, thanks to this exercise, blood circulation improves, and therefore intraocular pressure is partially normalized.

There are three main exercises to achieve this effect, and they need to be performed in the following sequence: For 30 seconds, you need to blink your eyes as quickly as possible, without squeezing them too tightly or opening them too wide.

Next, you need to sit on a chair, clasp your hands at the back of your head, tilt your head down, while directing your gaze as far forward as possible, and not at the floor. Squeezing the back of your head with your palms for three seconds, you need to take a deep breath, after which you can relax and straighten up.

In a sitting position, place your palms on your cheeks (as if propping up your cheeks while sitting at a computer), and in this position, move your eyebrows up and down for a minute.

Also, at any time, in unlimited quantities, you can perform a number of other exercises that can be combined into complexes in your own way or performed separately.

This includes:

  1. two minutes of rapid eye blinking for blood flow;
  2. light massage of the covered eyelids with the palms, during which it is necessary to make noticeable but painless circular movements with the tips of the fingers;
  3. focusing and defocusing your gaze on objects outside the window (when your vision is defocusing, you must try to concentrate your gaze on the window glass);
  4. five to seven times pressure with the tips of the index fingers on closed eyelids.

In transport, while walking and during breaks at work, you can also move your gaze from left to right ten times, trying to cover the maximum area, after which you can make several circular rotations with your eyeballs (first clockwise, then counterclockwise).

Exercises according to Neumyvakin

Doctor of Medical Sciences Neumyvakin I.P. believes that the problem can be solved by cleansing the body and special exercises. Offers the following set of exercises to stabilize IOP:

  1. Wash your face with cool water and lightly massage your eyelids. Palming and completely relax.
  2. Look up and fixate for 5 seconds. Relax and slowly look down until your eyes completely roll back.
  3. Do the same, just look left and right. Try to look behind you without turning your head.
  4. The technology doesn't change. The head is motionless, only the organs of vision are included in the work. It is necessary to alternately direct the apples to different corners. Drive diagonally.
  5. Bring the organs to the nose and relax. If discomfort occurs, stop the exercise.
  6. Blind Man's Bluff. Relax the oculomotor muscles by closing your eyes. Open after 5 seconds.

Oculomotor gymnastics
Neumyvakin recommends doing an exercise with glass for glaucoma. Draw a point and find the object behind the glass. First concentrate on the mark, then turn your gaze to a distant object.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Source: ozrenii.ru When including gymnastic exercises in your own health complex for the treatment of glaucoma, you cannot look for universal combinations.
Each combination of exercises is selected by the patient based on his well-being and ability to perform certain techniques. From the list below, you can choose only five exercises, which can be combined with each other in different orders, or replaced with others that have not been used before:

  • Having focused on a fairly large and complex distant object (a car, a building, a large tree), it is necessary, without stopping your gaze for a long time, to try to examine as many small details and elements of this object as possible in short intervals.
  • With your eyes closed, different geometric shapes are drawn by moving the pupils, and it is not necessary to limit yourself only to simple elements (circle, triangle, square): you can draw polygons, spirals and even letters, symbols and hieroglyphs.
  • The index fingers of both hands are brought together and brought as close as possible to the bridge of the nose. Focusing your gaze on the fingers, they are slowly spread apart, while you need to keep the gaze of both eyes on both fingers for as long as possible.
  • A small circle of black paper is glued to the window glass (or simply drawn with a colored marker). For several minutes throughout the day, you need to stand by the window and alternately focus your gaze either on this mug or on distant objects outside the window.
  • Keeping your head still, look as far as possible to the right, then as far as possible to the left, up and down. After making several slow blinks, you need to close your eyes and make circular rotations with your head, then, without stopping the rotation, open both eyes in turn.
  • Having stretched your arms forward, you need to start moving your fingers and slowly bring your palms closer to your face so that your eyes can always focus on the moving fingers, while your gaze does not need to stop at certain fingers, but constantly move to different ones.
  • Then the hands also slowly move away (repeat the exercise 5-7 times). You need to purchase or print a Sivtsev table (table for vision) and hang it in your office or bedroom.

It is important that the table is located in a room where a person constantly works or reads, and at the moment of eye fatigue, it is necessary to move your gaze to an arbitrary line of the table, trying to focus your gaze on the letters as much as possible.

Regardless of the number of exercises in the complex and the number of repetitions during the day, each eye gymnastics for glaucoma should begin with palming and end with it. This will relieve tension from the eyes and restore their tone.

What exercises help?

It must be remembered that visual gymnastics should be performed daily. A standard set of exercises does not take much time and does not require a special environment. Typically, a course of gymnastics, which is recommended for glaucoma, includes only five exercises.

Before performing, you should do a breathing exercise. To normalize breathing, you need to start inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, gradually increasing your breathing frequency.

Exercises for glaucoma:

  1. You need to move your gaze over large objects, without peering into details and noting only general signs. You can't stop looking.
  2. You need to blink slowly, then close your eyes and make circular movements with your head. While moving, you should take turns opening your eyes.
  3. With your eyes closed, you should draw geometric shapes and write different words with your eyes. For this exercise, you need to mount a calendar on the wall. You should read a few lines, move your gaze to other objects and return to reading from the place where you left off.

Also, patients with glaucoma are recommended to count objects while walking (floors, signs, trees). It will be useful to count in different ways: from top to bottom, from bottom to top, from right to left. During the counting process, you need to look away and return to where you stopped.

Most exercises are based on viewing objects at different distances, which allows you to train different modes of vision.

By nature, the visual system is designed to provide distance vision, so when working with small details, the eyes get tired faster. Exercises help train your eyes and increase the time before they become overstrained.

Important to remember!

Exercise does not cure glaucoma, only stop its progression and prevent complications. Ophthalmologists can recommend different exercises, since there are many proprietary techniques.

Exercises developed by Troitskaya, Norbekov, and Demirchoglyan are suitable for the prevention of glaucoma and other pathologies of the visual system.

Gymnastics helps normalize the circulation of intraocular fluid, thereby reducing the load on the optic nerve. As monotherapy, gymnastics is almost ineffective, so for glaucoma you need to use medications and establish a special diet.

After treatment of glaucoma, you can continue gymnastics as before. This helps to consolidate the results, reduce eye strain and improve visual acuity.

Lifestyle of a person with glaucoma

The cause of visual impairment in glaucoma is increased intraocular pressure. It may be a consequence of an infectious disease or eye injury. But more often those who suffer from hypertension – high blood pressure – experience glaucoma. Therefore, patients are prescribed not only treatment for the eyes themselves, but are also advised to completely change their lifestyle, which will help keep pressure under control.

For patients with glaucoma:

  • It is recommended to walk in the fresh air, skiing and swimming. Exercising if you have glaucoma will be beneficial, but only in a mild form. Avoid exercises that involve lifting heavy objects.

  • You should not experience strong emotional shocks or nervous tension . Stop worrying and worrying. Look at life differently - you can put up with everything that happens. Moreover, it is beneficial for your vision.
  • You cannot do work that requires you to tilt your head down . This applies to gardening work, cutting wood, and washing floors. If there is no one else to do this work besides you, then do it in such a way as to reduce eye strain. To do this, use a low bench, and then you won't have to lower your head much. If your veins are healthy, you can squat.
  • You can't be under the sun . The best time to walk and visit the beach is morning or evening.
  • You need to follow a diet . If you have glaucoma, it is important to avoid foods that increase your blood pressure: anything fried, salty, smoked, fatty, or overly seasoned. Your diet should not include coffee or strong black tea. It is useful to eat vegetarian soups, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, as well as porridge as a side dish along with boiled fish or lean meat.

  • You should watch your weight . High blood pressure often accompanies excess body weight.
  • You cannot inflate balloons or play wind musical instruments . This increases eye strain.
  • It is useful to sleep on a high pillow , allowing the head to be higher than the level of the body. This will help prevent fluid from pooling in the eyes.

Patients are also recommended special eye exercises for glaucoma. It is effective if included in complex therapy. If you only do eye exercises, you are unlikely to feel the effect. To reduce intraocular pressure, it is not enough to spend only a few minutes a day: you must change your life completely.

How to relax your eyes after prolonged stress?

Gymnastics for glaucoma can relieve eye strain, but it does not affect the cause of the disease. Those patients whose work requires eye strain are advised to perform relaxation exercises from time to time. First you need to stroke your temples in a circular motion, then start lightly tapping your fingers on your forehead.

Next they use their eyes: close them tightly and open them. All actions should be repeated ten times, being in a comfortable position. You need to continue the complex by blinking frequently for two minutes.

The next exercise involves alternately focusing your gaze on distant objects outside the window. Finally, take a pencil or pen and place the object at arm's length. You need to alternately focus your gaze on distant objects and on the pencil.

Eye exercises for glaucoma quickly relieve high eye tension, help relax them and strengthen the muscles of the eyelids, reducing the strain on vision even at short distances. They need to be done in a calm state, extremely concentrating on the procedure:

  1. Slowly we look away as far as possible to the left, then as far as possible to the right. Perform the movement 10-12 times.
  2. We slowly move our eyes in a circle, changing direction each time.
  3. Close your eyes, squeezing your eyelids as much as possible, then open them wide. Do this 10 times.
  4. We go out into the open area (or stand near the window) and, concentrating our gaze, look far ahead. Then we turn our gaze to the tip of the nose and concentrate our gaze on it for 4 seconds. Then we lower our gaze to our feet and try to relax our eye muscles.

What complexes can be done?

There are several sets of exercises developed by specialists from all over the world.

Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes

Before carrying out the exercises, a person must prepare himself psychologically. In the East, they believe that the color green has a positive effect on the condition of the eyes, so it is recommended to surround yourself with interior items of this particular shade.

The following manipulations will help to relax your eyes with glaucoma:

  1. You should insert two fingers forward and concentrate your gaze on them. Then move them apart, trying to leave the focus in the same position. A person practically does not receive a similar load on the visual apparatus.
  2. You will need a point that will be at arm's length. It is necessary to slowly bring it to your face, and then turn your gaze to a distant object.
  3. Without moving your head, you need to look away as far as possible. Look at one point for a few seconds, then move your gaze to the opposite direction.
  4. To perform this exercise, you need to lean your face against a smooth surface and describe various geometric shapes with your eyes.

The final stage of Tibetan gymnastics is a massage of the area from the bridge of the nose to the eyebrows. You should also do light massage movements of the eyeballs with your eyes closed.

Exercises according to Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin attaches great importance to eye exercises for glaucoma. He developed a whole set of exercises that are carried out in stages. Initially, it is necessary to relax the eye muscles as much as possible.

To do this, you need to dip your face in cool water and do a light massage of the eyeballs with closed eyelids. Then take a comfortable position and relax. After this, you can proceed directly to the exercises:

  • hold your gaze upward for a few seconds, then direct it downward for the same time;
  • blink dynamically;
  • look left and right alternately for several seconds;
  • blink again;
  • look to the left corner for a couple of seconds, then down, do the same in the opposite direction;
  • Make circular movements with your eyes for ten seconds, after which you can relax.

The set of exercises ends with massaging the eyelids.

Useful video

Gymnastics according to Bates

Bates developed a set of gymnastic exercises that combine physical actions with visualization:

  • you should move your eyes along imaginary vertical and horizontal lines;
  • outline various geometric shapes with your gaze;
  • draw a dial;
  • draw a snake.

Note! The head should remain motionless during exercises. Therefore, before gymnastics, it is recommended to stretch your neck muscles by bending your head forward, backward, left, and right several times.

Norbekov method

A well-known doctor specializing in diseases of the visual system, Norbekov, has developed his own method of conducting therapeutic exercises for glaucoma. It involves performing the following manipulations:

  1. Place your head straight. Look from floor to ceiling, visualizing that a vertical line passes through your head. Draw a line in the opposite direction in the same way.
  2. Put your head straight . Move your gaze from right to left, imagining that the line passes through your ears. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  3. Mentally draw a butterfly with your eyes . First in a clockwise direction, then vice versa.
  4. Imagine a watch with a dial. Slowly move your gaze from one number to another.

Relaxation of facial muscles

You can relax the visual system not only through visual gymnastics, but also by performing exercises with the facial muscles. Daily measured exercise will strengthen the eye muscles and the entire visual system as a whole.

Exercises to relax the facial and eye muscles:

  • Massaging the jaw, yawning.
  • Work with shoulders and head (performing circular movements).
  • Focusing your gaze on the tip of your nose (do not blink), closing and relaxing your eyes.
  • Raising your gaze and holding it in this position for as long as possible, then closing and relaxing your eyes.
  • Keep your gaze on your shoulder without turning your head. Closing your eyes and repeating the exercise with the other shoulder.
  • Focusing the gaze on distant and near objects for 10 seconds.
  • Drawing large symbols on the wall with your eyes without moving your head.
  • Focusing your gaze on a pencil that gradually approaches your nose.
  • Rub your palms and cover your closed eyelids so that the light penetrates through your fingers. You need to imagine the color black and concentrate on it.

While performing the exercises, you need to breathe calmly and evenly, and avoid severe visual discomfort and excessive pressure on the eyeballs. Each exercise must be repeated 10 times, the entire complex should take more than 3 minutes.

When performing exercises, it is important to monitor your well-being. Do not overload your eyesight or be too zealous. Excessive loads do not enhance the beneficial effect, but only aggravate glaucoma.

The doctor should select the exercises. Visual exercises for glaucoma help prevent vision deterioration and even blindness. The greatest effect is brought by gymnastics, which is carried out from a young age, but older patients can also influence their vision by performing simple exercises.

How often should the procedures be done?

It is recommended to use massage techniques and special physical exercises for the eyes daily. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor and keep intraocular pressure under control. Even if the condition improves, one cannot refuse drug treatment, because massage and gymnastics are only additions to the main therapy.

At the first signs of deterioration (headache, feeling of fullness, etc.), you should immediately consult your doctor.

What does success depend on?

To restore blood circulation, relieve spasms and increase the activity of affected systems, exercises in the treatment of glaucoma are simply necessary. Tablets will not replace them.

However, since the human body is a single whole, where everything is interconnected, gymnastics for glaucoma, along with eye exercises, is especially effective if it also combines massage and specific fitness for the whole body.

All the exercises proposed below are distinguished by their ease of implementation and the absence of the need for any additional devices. However, to obtain the desired effect, a number of seemingly simple but necessary conditions must be met.

  1. Regularity. This is the main condition. If you periodically start classes and then abandon them again, then you cannot expect real results.
  2. Desire and positive emotional attitude. You should not force yourself too much and do exercises in a bad mood. Such actions are more likely to play a cruel joke and do more harm than good. If you’re not just lazy, but you don’t want to, then it’s better to reschedule the lesson for another time.
  3. Motivation and sense of need to exercise. If this is not enough, then it is advisable to postpone the lesson and think about how important the ability to see really is, and about the value that vision represents. Compliance with these conditions is of particular importance at first.

What is it for?

Once something has become a habit, forcing yourself to do it is no longer so difficult. But in order for a habit to develop, effort is required. An effective lever for this is desire or need.

Moreover, abstract thoughts about benefits are of little use. In order for there to be a real need to do eye exercises for glaucoma, you need to clearly understand what exactly this gives.

There is always more than one reason that causes a particular illness. If glaucoma appears, it means that there are harmful factors that contribute to the occurrence of the following pathologies:

  • violation of blood microcirculation;
  • spasms of the eye muscles due to prolonged overstrain, and the formation of stable functional blocks in the corresponding areas of the musculoskeletal system;
  • congestion in the eye area and adjacent tissues;
  • depression of nervous activity due to loss of function of the optic nerve.

To improve blood circulation

Exercises aimed at normalizing blood flow can relieve eye strain. As blood circulation improves, intraocular pressure decreases.

Within 30 seconds you need to quickly open and close your eyes. You can also raise and lower your eyebrows by placing your palms on your cheeks. Another useful exercise: clasp your hands at the back of your head, lower your head and look forward.

You need to breathe smoothly and press on the back of your head, gradually increasing the pressure. You can relieve tension and fatigue and strengthen your eye muscles.

Exercise helps improve blood circulation, and therefore reduce intraocular pressure. They relieve fatigue and strengthen the muscular system of the eyes:

  1. Over the course of 30 seconds, we hastily open and close our eyes.
  2. We clasp our hands on the back of our heads, lower our heads, and direct our gaze forward. For 3 seconds, we gently inhale air, pressing the back of our head into our palms, then gain strength.
  3. For 60 seconds, we raise and lower our eyebrows, placing our hands on our cheeks.

Exercises according to Norbekov

Thanks to this technique, thousands of people have forgotten about glasses. For glaucoma, exercise helps restore vision. Norbekov's technique is based on self-hypnosis. Gymnastics for the eyes gives excellent results.

You should not expect a cure for glaucoma, although Norbekov is trying to prove the effectiveness of the technique even with such irreversible damage to the optic nerve, which glaucoma leads to.

Norbekov complex:

  • Do a warm-up. Rotate your eyes, mentally draw lines up/down/left/right.
  • Draw a butterfly with eyes. Make movements in the following order: left down - right up - right down - left up. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. Finish by blinking rapidly for 30 seconds.
  • Mentally draw a figure eight, including only the eyeballs in the work. Make the circles as large as possible, go beyond your own comfort, but do not exercise through pain. Do not go beyond the face. Overvoltage must not be allowed.
  • Look at the tip of your nose. Shift your gaze in front of you, fixating on the side objects, but do not move them.

Eye massage

In combination with basic medications, eye massage for glaucoma also helps reduce symptoms and prevents further development of the disease. However, you should consult your doctor first because there are different types of massage, but not all of them are beneficial. Glaucoma massage includes a number of exercises:

  • Using gentle finger movements, massage the forehead in the eyebrow area, smoothly lowering towards the temples;
  • 2 minutes, gently move your fingertips in a circle in the temple area;
  • Gently massage closed eyes in a circle for 60 seconds;
  • Gently press under the eyebrows 5 times and release smoothly.

It is recommended to end visual gymnastics with a massage. It helps improve blood circulation in the eyeballs. For glaucoma, you can lightly massage your eyelids for a minute, then press on them and release.

After pressing, you need to open your eyes and look to the left, holding your gaze in this position, then to the right. Repeat all steps ten times.

You can finish the massage by rotating your eyes in different directions. Not only gymnastics and massage help in the fight against glaucoma. Some experts recommend acupuncture.

By influencing active points, it is possible to achieve positive results in the treatment of various ophthalmological pathologies.

We provide massage

Therapeutic massage for glaucoma begins with light stroking and tapping movements from the center of the forehead to the temples, massaging the latter.
Movements should be light, without strong pressure. Next, they move on to massaging the eyelids, lightly pressing on the eyeballs. For high blood pressure, the doctor may recommend a massage performed as follows. The index finger of the left hand is placed on the closed eyelid and rhythmically moves it towards the temple. The actions are performed for 30 seconds for each eye. Circular movement of closed eyelids is effective in relieving tension.

Acupressure is carried out in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, the upper part of the nose, and the area around the eyes. Movements begin from the bridge of the nose to the wings of the nose, then move to the area around the eyes, to the temples.

The effects of the fingertips should be similar to vibration.

Allowed physical exercises

Exercises that are helpful for glaucoma include:

  1. skiing;
  2. classes in the pool;
  3. fitness;
  4. Pilates;
  5. gymnastics;
  6. yoga.

Sports activities have a positive effect on a person, generally maintaining the normal functional activity of all organs and systems of the body.

However, physical activity with glaucoma must be approached very carefully and be sure to consult a doctor, since some sports are not allowed for such patients.

Regular practice of these exercises helps to drain fluid and reduce pressure in the eyes. With the right approach, they have a positive effect on the patient’s health and can prevent a sharp deterioration.

What sports are allowed for glaucoma?

Source: GlazExpert.ru If you have glaucoma, you should not neglect physical activity. Patients with increased intraocular pressure can engage in skiing, fitness, gymnastics, Pilates and yoga. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the eyes.

Sport allows you to keep your body in good shape and prevent many diseases that can negatively affect the visual system. However, it is necessary to dose the activity for glaucoma, since excessive load can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Regular exercise and moderate physical activity are a great way to control intraocular pressure and relieve eye strain. The right approach guarantees improvement and prevention of blindness due to glaucoma.

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