Drooping of the upper eyelid: causes, treatment methods, photos and reviews

Age, alas, does not add elasticity to the skin, this is especially noticeable in the areas around the eyes, where the skin is extremely thin and sensitive. Losing elasticity, the skin on the upper eyelids simply begins to sag, creating a real problem for a woman who always strives to look young and beautiful.

What to do? Turn to plastic surgeons and pay for surgery, and without a 100% guarantee of success? It turns out that everything is not as scary and hopeless as it seems at first glance, from under drooping eyelids.

Why does drooping eyelid appear?

  • In addition to age-related changes, there are other reasons that influence the drooping of the eyelid. Among them is a hereditary factor, and, unfortunately, this cannot be done without surgery.
  • The reason may also lie in poor diet, which can cause fluid retention - in this case, you should first of all give up smoked meats, pickles and spicy foods.
  • Bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking quickly age the skin, causing it to stretch. Conclusion - we abandon these unnecessary vices. Also, the skin can stretch as a result of rapid weight loss. Here all kinds of masks and massage sessions will come to the rescue.

Eyelid drooping
Eyelid drooping

  • If you are constantly lacking sleep, you can “provide” yourself with not only drooping eyelids, but also under-eye bags and dark circles around the eyes. So don’t sacrifice sleep for any business – health should come first.

The real problem for the eyes is the use of cheap, low-quality cosmetics that dry out and irritate the skin. Therefore, even if you cannot purchase branded cosmetics, pay attention to the fact that the products you purchase, both for makeup and skin care, are based on natural ingredients.

  • And, of course, allergic reactions that can cause swelling of the eyelids cannot be ruled out. These can be household chemicals, cosmetics, and products. If you notice that your eyes swell after consuming a particular product or using any product, stop using it immediately.


If the causes of drooping upper eyelid are correctly identified, it is much easier to eliminate the defect. As soon as the main disease that provoked the formation of a heavy fold above the eyes is treated, it will be easier for the facial muscles to regain tone. There are actually a small number of such factors:

  • Underdevelopment or complete absence of the facial muscle, the activity of which is based on lowering and raising the upper eyelid. This reason explains congenital ptosis. The causes of drooping upper eyelid should be determined by a doctor.
  • The acquired disorder is caused by a recent neurological disease that caused paresis, or paralysis, of the oculomotor nerve passing through the muscle involved in lowering and raising the upper eyelid. This could be Horner's syndrome, stroke, diabetic neuropathy, cerebral abscess, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, meningitis - these are the most common causes of drooping upper eyelid.
  • Injury.
  • It is not uncommon for the upper eyelid to droop after Botox, an injection that is given to smooth out lines and wrinkles in the forehead. Patients often ask how long eyelid ptosis lasts after dysport. Typically, this side effect appears within 2-4 weeks, depending on the amount of the drug used and the area being corrected.
  • The age of the person.

For reasons that are due to heredity and cannot be eliminated even after a certain course of treatment, it will not be possible to get rid of drooping upper eyelid forever. It will only be possible to smooth out its external manifestations to some extent through cosmetic procedures at home and in the salon. If the source is a specific disease, after appropriate treatment there is a possibility that the facial muscle will return to tone. Perhaps it will lift up and reveal the patient's normal view.

drooping upper eyelid treatment

Is it possible to remove a drooping eyelid without surgery?

  • In any case, you can try to do this, because there is no risk! Therefore, if after forty you notice the first signs of an impending eyelid (and this, unfortunately, is almost inevitable, since it is in the eye area that our skin is most vulnerable and sensitive), it is better to immediately take preventive measures. If you regularly take care of the skin around your eyes, you can “push back” the problem of drooping eyelids for a long time.
  • There are several methods that, taken together and with constant use, will give good results. So, for example, you can use ice , thereby creating the effect of cryotherapy for the eyelids, with the help of which blood circulation is increased, due to which the skin is tightened. To prepare such “pull-up” ice, you need to stock up on regular mineral water and milk in advance. And also make sure that there is an aloe flower on your windowsill, the juice of which will also be necessary.


  • So, having mixed all these ingredients (you will need 125 ml of liquids, and about 4 tbsp of aloe), you simply pour the resulting mixture into an ice tray and put it in the freezer. And starting from the next morning, don’t forget to wipe your eyelids with these cubes every day.
  • Perform circular massaging movements of the upper eyelid from the inside to the outer corners of the eyes. Don’t forget about the lower eyelids, this procedure will not harm them either, just move the ice cube in the opposite direction - from the outer corners to the inner ones.
  • You can also “freeze” parsley by chopping it and heating it (without boiling) in a glass of water. A frozen mixture of juice of any berry with mineral water will also have a good effect.

Why does this happen and what to do if your eyelids droop

The cause of the phenomenon is age-related changes. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity and tone, and folds begin to form on it. This is caused by an age-related decrease in the synthesis of elastin and collagen - the two main structural proteins that form the skin framework. For the skin of the eyelids, which are particularly thin, even the slightest loss of these connections immediately manifests itself as ptosis (drooping and/or sagging).

Of course, such a violation requires correction. Indications for it are:

  • too massive eyelids, forming a “tired” face;
  • enlarged folds of skin formed by the upper eyelids;
  • drooping of the lower eyelids with the formation of “bags”;
  • accumulation of fatty deposits in the periocular area;
  • moving the corners of the eyes downwards.

These are cosmetic reasons that do not objectively harm human health. Nevertheless, it is sometimes necessary to correct sagging eyelids for medical reasons, since this disorder can lead to:

  • entropion (turning of the eyelids);
  • exophthalmos (protrusion of the eyeball).

How to remove drooping eyelids at home?

How to remove drooping eyelids Prepare a cream that has a moisturizing effect. The ingredients for it are only natural, which are best purchased at the pharmacy. You will need oils from plants such as fennel, sandalwood and cocoa.

  • Take 4 drops of the first two, and for the third (in the amount of 100 g) use a water bath to melt. Now mix it all and pour it into a clean container (bottle or jar).
  • It is better to store this composition in the refrigerator, and apply generously to the eyelids twice a day, after morning and evening hygiene procedures. Take precautions to prevent essential oils from getting into your eyes, which can cause inflammation.
  • Another useful mask can be prepared by mixing vegetable oil (100 g) and an egg. Just don’t keep it on your eyelids for longer than 15 minutes to avoid damaging the skin. And don't forget to rinse your eyes and eyelids thoroughly with water.
  • Masks can also be made from berries (raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries).

Useful mask
Useful mask


Masks made from specially selected natural ingredients effectively remove puffiness and open the eyes. Apply only to the upper eyelid.

NameIngredientsRecommendations for use
  • a third of finely grated cucumber;
  • a few drops of squeezed lemon;
  • 1 tsp. parsley, chopped to a pulp;
  • 1/3 tbsp. l. eye cream.
Apply the components mixed into a homogeneous mass onto the upper eyelids and hold for 10-15 minutes. Then wash everything off.
With aloe juice
  • juice of 2 aloe leaves;
  • 3-4 drops of tea tree oil;
  • a teaspoon of cream with a moisturizing effect.
Stir, let stand for 1 hour in the cold, apply the composition over the eyes, leave for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wipe the skin with a napkin.
From parsleyGrind the parsley to a paste.Gently place chopped parsley on gauze over the eyes and hold for 10 minutes. Then you can perform a contrast wash.
  • ½ grated potato;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tsp. sauerkraut juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour.
Mix the ingredients well until the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture and leave for 7 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
  • 1 beaten egg white;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
The composition can be kept on the eyelids for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash with cool water.
  • ½ grated potato;
  • 1 egg.
Mix the components, apply the composition to the upper eyelid for 10-15 minutes. Wash with cool water.

How to remove drooping eyelids over your eyes quickly at home. Tips from cosmetologists

Frequency of use and contraindications:

  • It is recommended to make masks with cucumber or aloe 2-3 times a week. If the skin is prone to redness, 1 time is enough;
  • parsley has a whitening property, so those with fair skin should limit its use;
  • Potato mask is not recommended for those with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

Exercises from the impending century

A very effective way are special exercises for the impending eyelid, which can be called a kind of gymnastics for the eyelids:

  1. Close your eyes and try to look up, then down. Hold each movement for 5 seconds to feel that your eyelids are tense. Repeat the exercise several times.
  2. With your head raised, try to look as high as possible and blink quickly for half a minute. Repeat this exercise at least three times.
  3. Tilt your head back as far as possible and close your eyelids tightly, holding them there for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.
  4. Press both index fingers to your eyebrows, and raise your eyebrows so that you feel the resistance of your fingers. Start this exercise slowly, gradually speeding up your eyebrow movements.
  5. A simple but quite effective exercise is eyebrow raising.
  6. A rather risky exercise that should not be performed if you are not confident in the strength of your hands and clear coordination of movements. It consists of a slight tingling of the sagging eyelid area with a sterile needle. This increases blood circulation.



Effective fight against ptosis of the upper eyelid will be determined by the specific type of defect. Each type has its own properties. The following types are distinguished:

  • Unilateral, when one eye is affected, and bilateral ptosis (drooping of both eyes at once).
  • Congenital and acquired (formed under the influence of certain factors over time). Very often the disease is provoked by Botox.
  • Drooping of the upper eyelid is post-traumatic, resulting from some external trauma.
  • Incomplete (degree of severity - first and second) and complete (third degree).
  • Neurogenic ptosis caused by paralysis of the oculomotor nerve is predominantly unilateral and complete.

Taking into account the causes, stages of development and severity of such a disorder, modern cosmetology effectively copes with ptosis of the upper eyelid. The patient is offered a choice of a number of safe, effective and successful techniques. You can achieve better results if you go to a professional salon for help.

Although in the first degree of severity, if there are no serious diseases, you can use folk remedies at home.

Massage from the impending century

This is also an effective way to combat the impending eyelid. In addition, you can perform massage movements using your fingers or using your facial muscles.

This massage will help if drooping eyelids are caused by skin tone and not other reasons. It is also beneficial for relieving puffiness under the eyes.

Massage from the impending century:

  • Start by warming up your skin by holding your face in a steam bath or washing your face under fairly hot running water.
  • Then apply a cream to your eyelids, which will help your fingers smoothly stroke the skin without stretching it.
  • Use your ring finger to move along the upper eyelid, moving from the inner to the outer edge. Then massage your lower eyelids in the opposite direction.
  • Carry out this massage for 5 minutes. Don't press hard, light pressure is enough. If you do everything correctly and regularly twice a day, in the mornings and evenings, the effect will be noticeable after the first week.


Effect of the procedure

If you decide to remove sagging eyelids above or below your eyes, the final results of the correction can only be seen after a month and a half. Depending on the type of operation, these may include:

  • correction of age-related sagging skin on the eyelids;
  • tightening the muscle tissue surrounding the eye;
  • elimination of excess fatty tissue on the eyelids, above and under the eyes;
  • raising the downturned corners of the eyes;
  • change in the section of the palpebral fissure;
  • getting rid of various eyelid defects.

The big advantage of blepharoplasty is that the results of the operation almost always last for the rest of your life. This means that by undergoing this correction in our clinic just once, you will forever guarantee yourself no sagging skin in the periocular area.

You don't know what to do if your eyelid is drooping and you want to regain your great appearance? Seek help from medical surgeons! This can be done by phone. +7 or through the form on the website.

How to remove drooping eyelids with makeup?

  • To visually reduce a heavy drooping eyelid, you should lighten the inner corners of the eyes and, on the contrary, darken the outer ones.


  • Use highlighter under your eyebrows. It is better to highlight the eyebrows themselves on the face, and tint light ones.
  • Do not apply mascara to your lower lashes.
  • When applying makeup, draw lines in the direction of your temples, while lifting them slightly.
  • Do not use glossy tones in makeup, give preference to matte ones.
  • And under no circumstances do you line your eyes with bold eyeliners; they will make your eyelids even more massive.

Never let down bold arrows
Never let down bold arrows

  • The general rule for applying makeup is to focus attention on the lips to distract it from the eyes and, accordingly, the eyelids. Don't use shadows that are too dark, they will only highlight imperfections.
  • In the most problematic areas, it is better to use beige tones, maintaining a smooth and natural transition. It is better to choose a powder that is a shade lighter than the natural color of your skin. And if the skin is too dry, give preference to foundation.


Proper makeup helps you look charming even if you have problems with the tone of the upper eyelid. The main goal is to open your eyes.

A few recommendations:

  • It is preferable to choose decorative products in natural shades. Bright makeup can draw unnecessary attention to the problem area;
  • Matte shadows of beige, peach, and brown are applied with shading from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye, increasing color saturation. It’s better to forget about pearlescent shadows for a while;
  • light shadows, applied with a light stroke under the lower eyelids, open up the look;
  • neatly drawn arrows visually lift the upper eyelids and increase the shape of the eyes. A thin line is drawn, retreating from the inner corner of the eye by a third;
  • mascara is applied only to the upper eyelashes;
  • light eyebrows are tinted with dark shadows, thereby switching the look from the heavy eyelid.

Other ways to remove drooping eyelids at home: tips

Tips on how to remove drooping eyelids:

  • In addition to the fact that you should not smoke yourself, try to avoid being in smoky rooms. Also avoid any smoke - from a fire, for example. Smoke screens have a very bad effect on the skin of the eyelids and on the condition of the eyes in general.
  • If you like to sleep on your stomach , try to train yourself to the reverse position, since when a person lies on his back, the eyes are subject to the least pressure.
  • Drink enough water - at least a liter per day. But don’t be overzealous, because excess fluid is no less harmful and can lead to swelling not only of the eyelids, but also to puffiness of the entire face. Avoid drinking liquids before bed, and at least 2-3 hours in advance.
  • Carefully and gently remove all makeup from your face before going to bed. For this purpose, use specially designed cosmetic and natural products that help remove makeup, and then do not forget to apply the appropriate cream (made according to the above recipes) on your eyelids.

Remove thoroughly before going to bed
Remove thoroughly before going to bed

  • Do not forget about folk remedies, wiping your eyelids with potato juice, using birch leaves or making a compress from chamomile flowers. A sage compress, which can be prepared from a spoonful of the plant infused in a glass of boiling water, also has a good effect. Pour the mixture into two containers and keep one in the refrigerator, and warm the second a little each time. Then apply alternately a cold and a hot compress to the eyelid. It's better to do this before bed.


Reviews about the procedure are different. Some have developed ptosis after eye surgery. Conservative treatment helped to cope with the disease: gymnastics, UHF, salon massage. Restoration of the functioning of the optic nerve occurred over the course of six months. Success is achieved thanks to the perseverance of patients: if you do not skip a single recommended procedure, you can get rid of prolapse.

Others have experienced drooping of the upper eyelid from Dysport. It is better to find out what to do in this case in advance. The procedures ultimately did not help, but perhaps it was necessary to turn to more experienced professionals and follow all the recommendations.

We looked at the causes and treatment of drooping upper eyelid.

How to remove drooping eyelids after Botox without surgery?

Even if you have already resorted to medical help and received Botox injections, and your eyelid droops after that, you can try to correct the situation on your own.

How to remove drooping eyelid:

  1. heat to the forehead or the bridge of the nose at the level of the eyebrows : a boiled egg that has not had time to cool, a linen bag in which put warm cereal or salt. This can only be done if the drooping eyelid is not accompanied by swelling.
  2. Use a massage technique: pinch, pat, stroke the eyelids treated with a cream that has a tightening effect in a clockwise direction.
  3. Carry out inhalation facial treatments by bending over boiled decoctions of sage, chamomile, calendula and breathing deeply.
  4. Make eye masks from melted paraffin with a couple of drops of lavender oil. Wait for the composition to harden and remove it.
  5. Try using a gelatin mask by mixing it in equal quantities with milk and adding vitamins A and E (one capsule each) after dissolving. The mask should be washed off immediately after it dries.

Surgical method

The most common technique at present is the correction of true drooping of the upper eyelid with blepharoplasty. This is a plastic surgery that allows you to eliminate such a cosmetic defect. This procedure includes the following steps:

  • thorough examination of the woman and identification of contraindications;
  • If the woman wishes, the operation can be performed under general anesthesia;
  • injection of local anesthesia into the tissue of the upper eyelid;
  • An incision is made at a natural skin fold, and excess fatty tissue is removed through it.

drooping upper eyelid photo

Most often, knowledgeable cosmetologists advise resorting to a surgical method of eliminating a cosmetic defect, since it allows you to obtain a noticeable, most tangible effect. But in the case when age-related factors become the culprit, and ptosis itself is just beginning to develop, you can engage in treatment at home, thanks to which, with a competent approach, you can achieve good results.

Remove drooping eyelid without surgery: reviews

  • Marina, 45 years old: I’m very afraid of surgery, so I solve the problem of the impending eyelid with the help of thoughtful makeup. I lighten it under the eyelid so that it does not attract attention to itself. I also constantly “shape” my eyebrows and add eyelash extensions, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Svetlana, 52 years old: My friend decided to cope with this problem with the help of blepharoplasty, but it only got worse, the eyelid began to turn out, and she practically could not close her eyes completely. Therefore, I prefer to do a set of exercises designed for the upper eyelid, and I also apply tea lotions before going to bed. If you are not lazy and do this every evening, the result is obvious - the overhang is almost not noticeable.
  • Antonina, 30 years old: My eyelid has been drooping since birth - it’s heredity. Now, while the skin is young and quite elastic, it does not spoil my face; on the contrary, it gives a certain zest to my appearance. But, looking at my mother, I understand that over time this will become a problem, so I am already doing eyelid exercises, compresses and masks of chamomile and parsley. Recently, I forced my mother to take care of her eyelids together with me - only two months passed, and she began to look 10 years younger.

Conservative methods

Ptosis of the upper eyelid of the neurogenic type can be cured without surgery, since the therapy will be aimed at restoring the functioning of the nerve. Among the methods for this treatment that have proven themselves to be excellent:

  • local UHF therapy;
  • the use of medications to fully saturate the damaged nerve tissue;
  • galvanotherapy;
  • gymnastics;
  • salon massage for eyelid ptosis (to save money, you can learn self-massage techniques at home).

A separate problem is the treatment of pathology after Botox, and although this phenomenon is short-lived, I really want everything to go away as quickly as possible and not affect the face in any way in the form of any marks. Therefore, a specialist may prescribe the following procedures:

  • Eye drops that stimulate the contraction of the necessary muscle responsible for the drooping of the upper eyelid. They contain active components such as phenylephrine, lopidine, ipratropium, alphagan.
  • Corrective firming medical creams and eye masks.
  • Steam sauna every day.
  • Active eyebrow massage.

When ptosis of the upper eyelid is not eliminated after a whole course of treatment with conservative means, surgical intervention is required.

Aesthetic cosmetology methods (procedures)

There are various methods for rejuvenating the skin of the eyelids. To combat wrinkles around the eyes, they use hardware cosmetology, chemical peeling, Botox or Dysport, injection methods - mesotherapy and contouring. For older women, when other rejuvenation methods do not produce a pronounced effect, surgical lifting is recommended.

How to remove sagging upper eyelids

Hardware cosmetology includes several non-surgical blepharoplasties:

  • Fractional photothermolysis. This type of procedure is carried out on separate areas of the skin; by heating the skin with laser energy, focal tissue destruction is achieved. Skin rejuvenation occurs after its negative stimulation (burn). Due to the impact only on small areas of the skin, the procedure is less traumatic, the recovery process occurs quickly, collagen and elastic fibers are actively formed. Fractional photothermolysis is used to smooth out wrinkles, stimulate aging skin, treat certain types of scars, correct stretch marks, and treat focal pigmentation.
  • Laser resurfacing is a fractional laser resurfacing procedure that straightens wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet), stimulates the restoration of elastic fibers, and the renewal of skin cells.
  • Microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, is the resurfacing of facial skin using aluminum oxide microcrystals or diamond crystals. Crystals exfoliate facial skin cells well, polish, even out and smooth the skin. The method refers to soft and painless mechanical peelings of the face. Contraindications for the procedure are the active stage of dermatosis, rosacea, and high skin sensitivity.

Degrees of ptosis of the upper eyelid

There are several variants of ptosis. In most cases, it is unilateral, meaning one eyelid hangs over the eye. False ptosis is usually bilateral and is associated with excessive volume of skin as well as subcutaneous tissue. It is noteworthy that blepharoptosis can be variable and depend on the psycho-emotional state.

The following degrees of the impending century are called:

  1. Partial. The upper eyelid covers a third of the pupil.
  2. Incomplete. In this situation, most of the pupil is covered by the upper eyelid.
  3. Full. Absolute closure of the pupil is noted.

Important! At stage 3 of ptosis, there is a need to get rid of the defect.

Why does the skin of the eyelids age so quickly?

The structural features of this area of ​​the face influence the appearance of wrinkles in young women. There are almost no sebaceous glands in the eyelid area, the skin of the eyelids is very thin and delicate, 4 times thinner than the skin of the face or the skin of the wrist, the elastic fibers around the palpebral fissure are weakly expressed. Rapid aging of the skin of the eyelids depends on the functioning of cellular organelles, which provide the cell with energy, are responsible for hereditary information, regulate the flow of nutrients into the cell and the transmission of signals.

The skin of the eyelids does not have the ability to absorb excess moisture due to the absence of fat cells. The skin of the eyelids is susceptible to swelling, which has a negative effect - it stretches and causes sagging of the skin. A large number of facial muscles around the eyes also contributes to the formation of wrinkles - any manifestations of emotions, bright sun and other factors cause contraction of the facial muscles and the appearance of small folds of skin, which subsequently turn into wrinkles.

The human eye is surrounded by periorbital fatty tissue; it plays the role of protection during pressure on the eyeball, running, and jumping. Young muscle tissues hold the eye well on the periorbital fatty tissue; with age, the ligamentous apparatus weakens, the fatty tissue penetrates into the skin of the eyelids - a hernia of the upper and lower eyelids forms.

External signs of skin aging (wrinkles, age spots, sagging and dry skin) are always associated with processes that occur in the epidermis and dermis.

Operations and procedures on the eyelids in Moscow - prices and reviews

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